Marketing & Communication
With twenty-five years’ experience in real estate worldwide and with particular expertise in the Côte d’Azur, Carlton International presents a team of qualified consultants from all over the world, speaking English, French, most European and Scandinavian languages, Russian and Chinese.
In order to promote our portfolio, our consultants have at their disposal multiple Internet platforms, close collaboration with renowned international real estate agencies, partnership agreements with reliable intermediaries throughout the world, with banks, family offices and investment advisors playing a key role in our marketing strategy.
Carlton International is present at prestigious real estate fairs in various international economic centres and the Company has been chosen to appear in the world’s “Who’s Who” of Luxury Real Estate consultants. Carlton International is part of the “Prestige MLS” network, a partnership of real estate agencies dealing with top-of-the-range luxury properties.
At the heart of Carlton International, enjoy an extraordinary real estate experience! Our young and dynamic marketing team will be with you every step of the way, whether you’re planning to sell, buy or rent. Made up of five passionate experts, we are your trusted ally on the Côte d’Azur, ensuring optimum distribution of your properties in France and abroad.
Why choose Carlton? Our unique expertise combined with a 360° marketing approach ensures that your property receives the best possible exposure. Nous utilisons une gamme innovante d’outils digitaux, allant des newsletters ciblées, vidéos professionnelles avec home staging, à des campagnes sponsorisées sur des plateformes sociales et immobilières, sans oublier les parutions dans des magazines de prestige.
La force de Carlton réside dans son humanité et son engagement. Notre équipe, avec son énergie contagieuse et sa parfaite maîtrise des tendances actuelles, s’efforce de dépasser vos attentes, en offrant un service sur-mesure. C’est bien plus qu’une transaction immobilière, c’est une collaboration, une histoire, une passion.